Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Lack of Desire

One of the most upsetting and most destructive traits I have found in people is the lack of desire. 

Now I understand if you could really care less about practicing the piano, or playing chess, or something of the sort that is really to personal taste and not important to other individual lives. 

But what I cannot understand or tolerate is the lack of desire to care about or even be aware of local to worldwide political affairs. 

We do not live in a perfect society that will flourish and thrive without people actually being involved. If we just continue going on our merry way living our lives not giving a hoot about presidential elections or other political activities and remain completely in the dark of governmental affairs the U.S. will fail. 

The United States is a democratic republic; it is people's law run by the people, of the people and for the people. If the people don't care, don't know, and don't act the U.S. will collapse.

People are meant to act and not be acted upon. To think and act for themselves, but sadly not very many people do that in today's world. It's funny but mostly annoying to see people talk about things they don't completely know or understand.

Do not blindly believe what your school tells you, what your teachers or parents tell you, or what the media tells you. Search and gather information out for yourself. Use logic and problem solving skills and what makes sense to you and come up with your own conclusions but always be open to hearing more new information to further enhance your understanding.

Please I beg everyone who reads this: Learn information and get involved.

If you do not you will be subject to those who are getting involved and making decisions that are affecting your life personally.

-A. Goose

P.S. If you want to learn information and find ways to get involved you can email/Facebook/tweet me and I can give you some suggestions.

How do you think we can inspire a desire in people to be more politically involved?
What are you going to do to be more involved?

Leave creative or interesting comment

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Human Weakness

I entered the SLC airport with my large "carry on" bag and backpack stuffed full with a mess of chess. (I like how that rhymes.)

I hop on the plane, it takes flight and I bust out my chess book like normal which without fail always sparks conversation. We first talk about chess but soon drift into discussion about the education system, the economy, and so forth. I don't know why I always seem to get into these conversations everywhere I go.

What made this conversation memorable was we were working together to reach a conclusion to solve the problem, not to prove who was right or wrong but to do what was right and fix the wrong.

I think too often we let pride and ego get in the way of rational thought. Pride can damage relationships, lead to bitterness, prevent goals from being accomplished, and distort.

I believe pride is the universal weakness of mankind and if we could control it somehow we would prosper more individually as well as a society.

Think what Congress could accomplish if they put aside their differences and worked together for the benefit of the country instead of proving who is right or wrong.

But I personally believe there is a right way and a wrong way to deal with every situation based off of principles. But then again there are many people who believe there is a lot of grey area.

I guess it is all about being open minded. From personal experience I know it is difficult to deal with close minded people and multiple times in the past I have been pegged as closed minded.

I believe you can be open minded but at the same time still have convictions you stand by regardless of what you are told. You can disagree with someone or something but still go on your merry way believing what you believe without hating. There are others though who disagree but hate as well. This is a huge problem and is a discussion for another time!

I firmly believe in the say "A man convinced against his own will is of the same opinion still" and many times I still don't listen to the wisdom of this saying and get so frustrated with others!

My last thought is life is not about how much money you make, fame, status, or popularity. It's not about how intelligent you are, being better than others, or what school you went to and what your GPA is. Life is about being happy and growing as a person and helping others do the same

-A. Goose

What do you think are other major human weaknesses?
How do you think we should help others and ourselves?

Leave creative or interesting response.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Restless Midnight

I was trying to sleep.
But honestly I can't, too much is on my mind.

Life can be overwhelming at times. Life is also so interesting how in the same day you can go from being thrilled with joy and enthusiasm, passion and drive. To then be somewhat depressed and contemplative, realistic with wandering thoughts..

My blog is just to express what is on my mind. To hopefully inspire and help others as well. That would be a lovely feeling in my life to know I have helped at least one person in some way. At times I will talk about politics and religion, chess, challenges in my life, and experiences I have had.

It is so difficult to find that balance of passion and compassion. Even though you are passionate you have to say the things you want to say without offending or driving others away. This is something I have struggled with. Ah human relations.. one of the most difficult struggles in life.

It blows my mind how things can be going on in a persons life that could be killing them but at the same time they look completely fine on the outside. We must be so careful with what we say and do every day. You never know whose life you might change.

In roughly ten minutes it will be 9/11.. A tragic day mixed with controversy. All I have to say is my heart goes out to those who lost loved ones.

Don't forget to show the ones you care about how much you love them, you never know when they will be taken away. Remember what matters most.

-A. Goose

Sunday, September 9, 2012

What is Truth?

And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. (John 8:32)

What is the truth?

A simple question, but yet has been the root and question of philosophy for thousands of years. I think this scripture has duel meanings. The first that comes to my mind is Christ is the truth and Christ shall free you from sin which is super, super important but that is not what I am going to talk about.

I believe truth is eternal, unchanging, not relative. "Truth is truth and does not vary dependent upon what mankind wants it to believe." I believe truth is a knowledge of how things really are, how they really were, and how they will really be.

Hundreds of years ago the majority of people thought the Earth was flat like a pancake, but in reality regardless what they thought the Earth was indeed round.

Have you ever told somebody the truth maybe friends, parents, a significant other and have them not believe you? Even though you knew without a doubt in your mind it was true they still would not listen? This makes things very difficult and frustrating.

In the amazing and historical American document The Declaration of Independence it is written.. "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

Could those truths be described any better? I think not

-A. Goose

What do you think is truth?
How can we use this new found (not really new but natural) knowledge to help society?

Leave creative or interesting responses below.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

America, America?

My mind has been pondering upon the creation of America, it's history, and the people and principles that made America possible. I think Americans (myself included) do not fully appreciate or grasp what the Founders sacrificed and did for this country. These were men from different backgrounds of life who were very educated and familiar with history, philosophy, and governments of the past. They were farmers, businessmen, lawyers, public officers, and merchants. They wanted freedom from tyranny and even though they came from different backgrounds and had different ideologies they came together for one single cause: freedom. They were branded as traitors and if they were to be captured they would be sentenced to death. These men gave everything they had: some lost their homes, their living, and in some cases family members and even their own lives.

Would Americans do that today for our country?

Honestly I feel some would but many would not. What disturbs me is the lack knowledge in people concerning what is going on in the world. I especially find it annoying when people I knew/know in high school on Facebook under political beliefs say the following: "None, What?, Who cares, What my parents believe." The future of America ladies and gentlemen.

We do not live in a Utopian society where everything is perfect and will be perfect. If nobody cares the United States will fail. I hope people will start caring more and get more involved in the government process on local, state, and federal level, myself included, to help preserve this nation and actually have a clue of what's going on instead of blindly listening and believing the media.
America the beautiful! Let's keep it that way.

-A. Goose

Some good questions to ask ourselves:

How can I personally be more informed on current national and world wide issues?
How can I personally be more involved in politics on a local, state, and federal level?

Leave a creative or interesting comment below. (RWJ)

Sunday, September 2, 2012

The Purpose of My Blog

Well hello to everyone who may read these. For those who know me personally know that I am quite the interesting character.. The kind where you sometimes have to just smile and nod your head when I say things but don't we all have to do that and some point at different times in life? The purpose of my blog will be to release my thoughts in an organized manner and hopefully provoke thought, emotion, and give you a glimpse of my mind and thoughts, and hopefully lead to action.. I welcome constructive comments and constructive criticism. Notice how I said the word constructive twice in that last sentence to hopefully get the point across that I don't want hate mail or everyone to be upset and huffy by what the things I will say.. So if you keep an open mind we will have fun, laugh, see things from my perspective, and hopefully (my wish) reach concrete conclusions and actually DO something with them.

-A. Goose

*Warning-Reading blogs from this writer may cause critical thinking, enlightenment, enjoyment, laughter, frustration, anger, and eye rolling.  Results will vary.