Sunday, September 16, 2012

Human Weakness

I entered the SLC airport with my large "carry on" bag and backpack stuffed full with a mess of chess. (I like how that rhymes.)

I hop on the plane, it takes flight and I bust out my chess book like normal which without fail always sparks conversation. We first talk about chess but soon drift into discussion about the education system, the economy, and so forth. I don't know why I always seem to get into these conversations everywhere I go.

What made this conversation memorable was we were working together to reach a conclusion to solve the problem, not to prove who was right or wrong but to do what was right and fix the wrong.

I think too often we let pride and ego get in the way of rational thought. Pride can damage relationships, lead to bitterness, prevent goals from being accomplished, and distort.

I believe pride is the universal weakness of mankind and if we could control it somehow we would prosper more individually as well as a society.

Think what Congress could accomplish if they put aside their differences and worked together for the benefit of the country instead of proving who is right or wrong.

But I personally believe there is a right way and a wrong way to deal with every situation based off of principles. But then again there are many people who believe there is a lot of grey area.

I guess it is all about being open minded. From personal experience I know it is difficult to deal with close minded people and multiple times in the past I have been pegged as closed minded.

I believe you can be open minded but at the same time still have convictions you stand by regardless of what you are told. You can disagree with someone or something but still go on your merry way believing what you believe without hating. There are others though who disagree but hate as well. This is a huge problem and is a discussion for another time!

I firmly believe in the say "A man convinced against his own will is of the same opinion still" and many times I still don't listen to the wisdom of this saying and get so frustrated with others!

My last thought is life is not about how much money you make, fame, status, or popularity. It's not about how intelligent you are, being better than others, or what school you went to and what your GPA is. Life is about being happy and growing as a person and helping others do the same

-A. Goose

What do you think are other major human weaknesses?
How do you think we should help others and ourselves?

Leave creative or interesting response.


  1. Perhaps one of the greatest human weaknesses is poor memory. How quick we are to leave the things we really know and float about on the ebb and tide of a volatile existence. The lessons of history don't seem to stick with us very well when faced with emotional torrents or our own unbridled pride.

  2. Finally we have one brave soul! Thank you for your comment it gave me new insight. Hopefully more will comment in the future.
